Saturday, January 31, 2009

Homophobic YouTube comments

Okay so today I discovered a bit of a YouTube legend - in my opinion anyway. Hughsnews is his name. Anyway, he did a video in August 2007 where he did a parody of Perez Hilton . Now, although he stated QUITE CLEARLY that it was indeed a parody and he was not being at any moment serious or making any false claims about anything, many people still felt the need to write homophobic comments; eg. Go die you fucking fag, and stuff. So one woman who was 29 according to her YouTube profile wrote this:

angellguardiandl0111 (1 year ago) Show Hide
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you are so gay, get a life, but I actually know celbs and I would never tell the whole world. Do you know Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde Pierce, Bebe Neuwirth? I hope they legalize gay marriage for you. As a psychatrist; cut the prozackis in half YOU F'N FAG!

Now, ignoring the horrific spelling mistakes, I deduced that she was not only stupidly thick not to realise the video was a joke, but also an extreme homophobe. I, henceforth, replied:

YerMumsAWhat (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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You are not a psychiatrist. I happened to have one and they are legally sworn to have no homophobic issues in any form, this is due to various aspects of the hippocratic oath you absolute twat :) . Also, it's spelt "prozac".

Of course, I meant to have put "have had one" but never mind. I think I was perfectly within my right to call this woman a twat if I'm honest with you. She therefore sent me a private message in response to that saying:

listen please and you may learn something
I am a psychatrist and I do not have homophobic issues at any level. I happen to have gay friends and family and clients. As for me taking the hippocratic oath, I took it and I will defend it. As for me saying anything about your medication I would never harm those with mental disorders after all I am a psychatrist with a good reputation. Next learn to respect people you little pain in the a**. You should tell your psychatrist to give you a frontal labotamie so that way you will be of use to society. Also your picture makes you look like what your profession probably is a hooker. Good luck with your life you little sl**!

Aww bless! She has even bleeped out the total non-swear words to save my poor little eyes! And she has still not learnt how to spell the name of her profession as Hughsnews has already pointed out. I fail to see how she can be a good psychiatrist if she didn't pass an English GCSE. I cannot find my reply to this but I think it must've gone something along the lines of: "You DO have homophobic issues if you are going around calling people fags! How the FUCK can you have a good reputation if you're calling 16-year-old girls sluts and pains in the asses?! You can't even spell lobotomy! And I don't have a profession and if I did I doubt I would be a prostitute because I, unlike you, have some level of intelligence. Go fuck yourself."

So yeah. I just wanted to get over that with a rant lol. Oh and I also forgot to mention to her that I never said I had medication. The retard.

celebs - "celbs"
psychiatrist - "psychatrist"
prozacs - "prozackis"
lobotomy - "labotomie"

Please, people!

Don't install imvu! I don't think it's spam really but it slows down your computer and its fucking hard to get rid of. The adverts may seem attractive but believe me - just don't bother. It's way too hard to use.

Valentine's Day

I HATE this time of the year!! Why does it even exist?? I don't understand how people can see the attraction of heart-shaped balloons, pink confetti, teddy bears clutching loveheart cushions with the words "I Love U" on the front and ESPECIALLY anonymous cards with "Be My Valentine" scrawled across the cover. I mean, what the fuck?! Why does there have to be a time of the year whereby being utterly pathetic and totally cheesy constitutes as acceptible? If you are with someone you unreservedly love, why, on one particular day of the year, are you expected to send two dozen roses and a box of chocolates (which will undoubtfully make you fat, so gutted) to that person? Shouldn't you do that everyday if you reeeeaaally love someone that much? If I'm honest, if I had a boyfriend who was the most unromantic and thoughtless person on the planet and never did anything for me until Valentine's Day where he shows up on my doorstep with 99 red heart-shaped balloons or something, I would slam the door in his face. Love is nothing to do with material objects that are, quite frankly, available anywhere. It's to do with protection, trust and commitment. The best way to show someone you love them is to tell them; kiss them gently on the mouth, clutch their hand and whisper the words into their ear so they know you are not just being funny - you mean it.

So I don't want any anonymous cards this year people! If you insist on being like that then I must insist you tell me that you wrote it because to me it is meaningless otherwise and you might as well send me an anonymous text saying "Do you want a shag?"

That is the end of my rant. SAY NO TO V-DAY!

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Butterfly Effect

To those unfamiliar with the concept, the Butterfly Effect is a phrase that summarises the complicated idea of the Chaos Theory - which is to do with "sensitive dependence on initial conditions" ie. small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behaviour of the system.

In English, the Butterfly Effect refers to the idea that tiny little changes at one place in a complex system of constant movement may cause large changes to the future of that system.

It comes from the theory that a butterfly's wings may generate diminutive alterations in the Earth's atmosphere that could possibly ultimately alter the direction of a cyclone, defer, accelerate or impede the occurance in a particular location.

However, although I believe that this concept is verified I still believe that it is highly improbable. I mean really think about it: is it likely that a minute change in the molecular structure of atmospheric matter caused by a butterfly merely shifting into a more comfortable position, could possibly instigate a twister to occur twenty or more miles away??
No! I mean, you could claim that about anything! You could say that a person's fate was determined by their decision to go a different way home because a streetlamp was fused on the route they would normally take which would hinder their journey, and therefore they instead died due to the colonization of some mutated pathogens which are immune to antibiotics and that happened to be hanging around the alternative route.
Does this mean that the chairman of the local council is at fault for this person's death because he did not issue a replacement for that streetlamp??

Yeah, I know; I'm getting a bit hysterical but honestly. Inevitably, yeah, small variations may cause larger phenomenons to occur but the more obvious factors are generally the more significant. The fictional person who was killed by psychotic bacteria could have decided to cover her mouth and nose with her scarf because it was cold and therefore may not have been infected at all.

So let us not blame the poor butterfly for stretching his wings amongst the Buddleja in your front garden when the BBC News informs us of a tsunami hitting Britain due to changes in the North Atlantic Current - it was probably because you didn't turn the standby button off on your TV.

Which brings me on to my next point....

Calm down! I'm kidding - rant over ;)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

In A Random Mood


10 reasons why I love Emma and Lucy

Emma Cartwright
1. She has good taste in men.
2. She's funny as fuck.
3. She's gawwwwjus.
4. She fancies Simon Cowell :)
5. She's never horrible to me.
6. She has a nice laugh.
7. She makes me look totally non-flirtatious ;)
8. She is always happy.
9. She invited me round to her house once and we had pizza :D
10. She is very down-to-earth.

Lucy Mannell
1. She makes me laugh.
2. She's cute looking...
3. ...but we know she's evil inside ;) mwah ha ha
4. She does good chav impressions.
5. She is nice to people.
6. She plays drums.
7. She has a mischievous smile.
8. She is outgoing.
9. She is never rude.
10. She is "well 'ard", innit ;)


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

10 reasons why Conn is my best friend

1. He can be mean to me all day but will always apologise if he thinks he's upset me.

2. If he goes too far and I try and storm off, he will not let me.

3. He tells me the truth.... even if it's that I have a manly figure :P

4. He tells me I am his best friend.

5. He does not mind that I'm irritating as fuck.

6. He can have a laugh and doesn't get offended easily.

7. He's smart as fuck and brilliant with computers.

8. He will tell me when I piss him off.

9. He is full of random funny shit, ie. chat up lines ;)

10. He sticks up for me.

HE'S A LEGEND!!!! xx

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Love The Word "Fuck"!


It's a great word ;) (Y)

Fucked up t'internet!

Wtf?? My internet is being soo weird!! For example, I just tried to get the font and shit right for this post but when I clicked on the "b" for bold, the text went regular! So now I'm staring in bewilderment at the unselected bold button which quite clearly has made my text bold. Could my computer be haunted??

Oh no it's alright now lol. Phew! Thank fuck for that!

Anyway, I also clicked on the verify email address thingy before I wrote this but hotmail seems to think doesn't exist (which is the address I use for blogspot).

Hmmm what else.... ooohh yeah! Adware. I accidentally *ahem* and foolishly downloaded a piece of Adware that fucked up my default search settings. Now I think I have removed this Trojan Horse through uninstalling, shift+delete (thanks to Conn), and changing my default search settings pretty much back to normal, however, I don't entirely trust that it is completely gone.

So there is a lesson we can all learn from this...

Don't download iMesh, ladies and gentlemen! :)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Kerrang! Tour

Yesterday I went to see In Case of Fire, Blacktide, Dir En Grey, Bring Me The Horizon and Mindless Self Indulgence at Leeds Academy. Me, Lenne and Becky waited outside the venue for eight hours... thats about 10 till 6!! I was SOOOO fucking cold but we had to wait in order to be at the front cuz some people following the tour were camping out there. I would like to take this chance to apologise to Becky and Lenne for my persistent complaints of being cold and my continuous requests for the time. However, we had a laugh ("Trolley's housers"... "my cum is bold".... Alan, Helena etc lol) and as we made regular trips to Morrison's nearby, we concluded that noone in Leeds ever needs to piss. During the concert I decided that Ollie Sykes was way too fit to be allowed, and Mindless Self Indulgence is the best band ever. I got kicked in the head by crowd surfers and I have bruises on my knees from being pressed into the barrier. I now have a neck ache as well because I headbanged perhaps a little TOO vigourously. I got Jimmy's autograph and I got a picture with Steve and I cuddled him (you couldn't NOT cuddle Steve!) even though he was dripping with sweat and I concluded at the end of the night that I was soaked, not with MY sweat because I for one felt to be at a comfortable temperature all night, but with everyone elses. EWW! So yeahh.... Becky, Lenne and I stumbled out of the smelly venue and recieved free Dir En Grey CD's (whoopee-fucking-doo :P ) before hitching a lift with my dad and brother. Today I woke up disgruntled and in a lot of pain. Great. Worth it though!

Friday, January 23, 2009


I have just been to the opticians to try contact lenses for the third time.... I was unsuccessful as always. I seem to have passive compulsions to blink everytime I feel the lens brush my eye; I'm terrified of it for some reason. I'm okay with putting like, my own finger in my eye y'know like if you get an eyelash? But I cannot cope with foreign objects touching my eye and I know it's not just reflexive because I would be able to hold open my eye but I can't without my fingers relaxing so therefore it must have psychological explanations as well but I have idea how I'm going to deal with that... apart from hypnosis... which is way too expensive. I went proper hysterical after I left the opticians and had a panic attack in the M&S car park. I was in floods of tears when I got home and now I feel sooo weak and hopeless. My mum comforted me for a while; I think she was a little angry. Not with me, no... with the fact that I have to taint my features with a pair of specs. I want to die. I feel so depressed at the moment.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Product Key

WOOO!! I finally got Microsoft Office 2003 installed!!! I hate the 2007 version... anyway it took aaages to install it until I realised that the Product Key wasn't valid because guess what!... IT WAS THE WRONG FUCKING PRODUCT KEY!! I had to memorise it off the disc because on the CD case there was a typing error. I also went into Ilkley today... on my own :( I went to my building society and I had to talk to my lest favourite employee there: Mr I-Am-Better-Than-You. I also went to Boots and I have discovered that Dream Matte Mousse actually IS good!! I apologise for being previously sceptical!! So yeah.... oh!! And I had Fish&Chips for tea.... yes.... I am a commoner...

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I had a history and an RE mock exam today. They were both really hard; I guessed my way through it. We had an extended lunch so for 2 and a half hours I hung around with peeps, playing on Megan's iThingy like everyone else - what the fuck are they?? I wouldn't spend that much on an Apple product anyway. So back home I went on msn, texted some people then set this up! There was one really annoying thing about today though - Lenne went to Crash Records to get my Forever The Sickest Kids ticket for february but they were sold out :( I'm so gutted, but she says you can buy them online. Anyways guys add me on msn:

Holly Williams


and Myspace: